Disability and Carer Resources
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The NDIS is a national scheme to provide targeted support, co-ordination and access to services for people with disabilities. It’s a single national system, which means regardless of what kind of disability you have and where you live, you will be able to equally access existing services.
The NDIS has been designed to give people with disability more choice and control in how they receive the support they might need. People with disability and their families will have more control over choosing the services that work best for them and give them the support they need.
In Victoria, the NDIS will be rolled out in different areas at different times, starting in July 2016. The NDIS will replace the existing supports that people currently receive. People currently receiving support through the Victorian Government will move to the NDIS at different times depending on where they live and the type of support they receive.
The NDIS in Frankston
Frankston residents are included in the Bayside-Peninsula area of the NDIS roll-out beginning on 1 April 2018.
The Brotherhood of St Laurence has been contracted by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver Local Area Coordination and Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) services in the Bayside-Peninsula area. Further information including eligibility criteria (access checklist) and contact details can be found at:
Frankston City Council’s ‘Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee’ and Staff will advocate on behalf of the community, working to ensure people are informed and prepared for the NDIS.
NDIS Frequently Asked Questions
A selection of websites and further information can be found below.
Useful Links
Please note: Links to external websites provided are for reference only. Views expressed on these sites do not necessarily reflect the views held by Frankston City Council.
Eligibility Information
Information for Carers
Information for Participants
Information for Providers
General NDIS Information
What is Alfred Health Carer Services
Alfred Health Carer Services provides free information and support to carers who live in Melbourne’s southern metropolitan region. This includes local government areas of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Bayside, Kingston, Greater Dandenong, Casey, Frankston, Cardinia Shire and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Every caring journey has its challenges. Maintaining your own health and wellbeing is important. We can help you find the most useful supports for your situation.
Alfred Health Care Services available
We provide Carer Gateway (Commonwealth-funded) and Support for Carers (State-funded) services:
- support for carers to focus on their own needs and personal goals
- information and assistance to connect carers with the right support services
- support to access respite and equipment
- carer coaching
- facilitated peer to peer support to enhance carer wellbeing
- events for carers focusing on education, peer support and social connection
We also provide respite services, resources and supported activities for older people with care needs, and their carers, via the Commonwealth Home Support Program. Fees apply for this program.
How to contact
Carer Support
www.carergateway.gov.au has many online options to help reduce the strain of caring. These include peer support, self-guided coaching, phone-based counselling and practical skills courses.
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
The Australian Government has established a central point of access to the aged care system for people aged 65 and over (50 years and older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander). If you are seeking assistance to access aged care services, you will need to register with My Aged Care and undergo a series of questions with the contact centre staff to determine what level of assessment you may require.
For more information, please visit the Active Ageing and Disability Services page.
HACC Program for Younger People (HACC PYP)
The HACC Program for Younger People provides services for people with disabilities and their carers. Younger people are defined as those aged under 65 and aged under 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The program provides a basic level of support service to help people with disability to remain living independently in their home and community.
For more information, please visit the Active Ageing and Disability Services page.
Further Disability Support Services
Access for All Abilities – First Point of Call Service
Access for All Abilities connects people with a disability in Melbourne to sports and recreation opportunities, acting as an ‘opportunity broker’ or ‘front door’ for people needing assistance in finding the right fit for them or simply seeking information on available sports and recreation options.
For more information, please visit the Access for All Abilities website.

Carer Card
The Carer Card recognises the incredible work that carers do for the people in the communities in which they live. The card provides carers with various discounts and benefits offered by businesses, local government and community organisations as well as free travel on public transport on Sundays.
For more information, please visit the Carer Card website.

Companion Card
The Companion Card is for people with a significant disabilities unable to access community activities and venues without attendant care. Cards can be presented at participating outlets where cardholders will not be required to pay admission fee for their carer. All Council operated businesses accept the Companion Card.
For more information, please visit the Companion Card website.

MyKi Card
MyKi have several travel entitlements available for people with a disability, which you may be eligible for when using Victoria's public transport network.
For more information on MyKi Cards, please visit the Public Transport Victoria website.

Qantas Carer Concession Card
The Qantas Carer Concession Card is issued to people with disability and high level support needs who require the full-time assistance of a carer whilst they are on the aircraft.
For more information, please visit the Qantas website.

Wheelchair and Scooter Travel Pass
The Scooter and Wheelchair Travel Pass is issued by the Metlink Central Pass Office. The Scooter and Wheelchair Travel Pass has been introduced to support independent travel for people who are dependent on scooters and wheelchairs.
Who is eligible for the Scooter and Wheelchair Travel Pass?
To be eligible for the Scooter and Wheelchair Travel Pass you must:
- have a permanent and severe disability (being for the term of
- depend on the use of a scooter or wheelchair for mobility outside your home
- be a permanent resident of Victoria.
Please note: All scooter users must have their dependence on a scooter certified by a General Practitioner or Specialist to be eligible. The General Practitioner or Specialist must declare that due to the applicant's permanent and severe disability (being for the term of their life and not expected to improve), they depend on the scooter for mobility outside the home. Please complete all sections of the application form (Section 1, 2, 3 and 4).
If you hold an Access Travel Pass, you can travel for free on:
- Melbourne metropolitan trains, trams and buses
- V/Line services
- Regional town buses
- Regional services that have a contract or service agreement with Public Transport Victoria.
Free travel passes can't be used for NSW TrainLink, Great Southern Railway, airport services and tourist railways. Please check with the relevant operator before booking or travelling.
Pass holders aren't required to touch on and off, but must show the card to public transport staff when requested.
You must carry your Free Travel Pass with you at all times while travelling on Victoria's public transport network.
Application details
To find out more information and download an application form.
Other free travel passes
Travellers Aid Australia
Travellers Aid aims to make everyday travel possible for all people by providing simple, practical transport-related support and aid that helps them travel independently and confidently, no matter what their background.
Travellers Aid services include:
- travel-related emergency relief within Victoria
- the provision of subsidised half-yearly and yearly travel passes for secondary students
- medical companions to accompany people to and from medical appointments
- personal care and meals assistance for people with a disability
- buggy service at Southern Cross Station and Seymour Station to assist people with mobility challenges to travel throughout the stations
- low cost mobility equipment hire
- fully accessible toilets with ceiling hoist, adult change table and experienced and qualified client support officers
- showers and sleeping rooms at Southern Cross Station that can be used by people who are older, frail or sick, nursing mothers or just tired travellers
- a luggage storage service at Flinders Street Station
- internet cafe and comfortable lounge
Victorian Government Disability Services
Victorian Government services to support people with disabilities and their families.
For more information, please visit the DFFH website.

YouMeUs has been developed as an easy and effective way to deliver training to staff and volunteers whose organisations are interested in enhancing inclusive practices and culture.
For more information, please visit the YouMeUs website.