On Monday 27 January Customer Service Centres will be closed for the Public Holiday.The Visitor Information Centre will also be closed.
You may need an asset protection permit if your project is likely to impact public assets or infrastructure.
You can request a refund of your asset protection bond when you have finished your building project.
You may need consent from Council to build over an easement in your property.
You may need consent from Council before building in a flood prone area.
You may need consent before constructing a corner fence.
You may need a permit to plant, dig, level ground, excavate or remove a tree from your nature strip.
You may need a permit to carry out works within the road reserve.
You may need a permit to construct, remove, change or upgrade a vehicle crossing.
You may need a permit to access a residential or commercial property through parks, reserves or links managed by Council.
You may need a permit to connect your stormwater to a Council asset such as a pit, pipe or street outlet.
You may need to request an inspection when drainage installation at a new development is complete.
You may need to request the location of your stormwater discharge point before applying for a building, road reserve or drainage tapping permit.
Find out how and when you need to submit a development engineering plans, including information on fees.
If you need assistance or are having trouble with the website, please Contact Us.