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Next date: Saturday, 15 February 2025 | 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM
The Frankston Life Saving Club is hosting a Community Open Day on the 15th Feb, between 10-4.30pm. FLSC are running a community dip on our beach from 10am followed by a BBQ breakfast and a Nippers session between - 11-12noon which will be open to non members aged from 5-14yo. Then there will be demonstrations including first aid, LSV drones and from our Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Racing Team. And then between 3.30-4.30pm we will have Matt from the Marine Mammal Foundation present an interactive talk about the marine mammals in our bay - which is great for both kids and adults alike!
Frankston Life Saving Club, 1/1N Long Island Drive, Frankston, 3199, View Map
1/1N Long Island Drive , Frankston 3199