Supported playgroups

To register for the Supported Playgroup or make a referral
Register for a Supported Playgroup or phone: 9293 7156 (if unattended please leave a message and your call will be returned).
What is a Supported Playgroup?
Supported Playgroups are a safe and friendly place for you and your child to have fun while receiving parenting tips and support. Sessions are run weekly during school terms by qualified early years professionals in your local community.
Supported Playgroup is a great way to meet other families in your local area and one-on-one in-home support is also optional for eligible families.
These playgroups are supported by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and are free to attend.
Who is eligible to attend?
Supported Playgroups are available to:
- families with a Commonwealth Health Care Card (or visa equivalent for refugees and migrants)
- children aged from birth up to school age.
- families where a family member who has identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
- families who are looking after children in kinship care (out of home care);
- families referred by Child FIRST
- families referred from or receiving Enhanced Maternal and Child Health services
Supported Playgroups are currently located in the following venues:
- Aldercourt Primary School - Frankston North
- Frankston North Commumity Centre - Frankson North
- Lakewood Child & Family Centre - Frankston
- Karingal Heights Primary School - Karingal
- Orwil Street Community House - Frankston
- Kanannok Kindergarten - Seaford
- Learn Engage Connect - Frankston
More Information
All community playgroups meeting in Council venues have COVID safe plans that must be adhered to. Playgroups will run in line with all current Covid guidelines.
To find out more about our Supported Playgroup sessions please call Council’s Playgroup Development Officer on 9293 7156 or email