Participate in the “Changing the Focus” physical activity program for people living with mild dementia or cognitive impairment
We are seeking people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment and their carers to participate in a supported physical activity program.

Am I eligible to participate in the study?
You are eligible if you:
- Are diagnosed with mild dementia (for people living with dementia) or have cognitive impairment;
- Are able to provide consent on your own if you do not have a carer (for people living with mild dementia or cognitive impairment);
- Live in Frankston or Mornington Peninsula region of Victoria Melbourne
Why should I take part in this study?
Your participation will have the following benefits:
- For the person with dementia - a supported physical activity program that has been co-designed to suit people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment to promote good health and wellbeing.
- For the carer- improve health and wellbeing of the person living with dementia or cognitive impairment can potentially reduce carer burden or stress.
- Help us evaluate the “Changing the Focus” program to inform improvements for future use.
What will it involve?
- Take part in a physical activity program in the local community or at home (or both) for 12 months (which may build on the person’s existing exercise routine)
- Take part in 4 home visits for assessments and a discussion at the beginning of the study to decide on a physical activity program to take part in for the 12 months’ time
- Take part in telephone support calls in which the research therapist will provide support for your ongoing participation
- Take part in an interview to help us evaluate the program (optional)
Who can I contact to participate in the training program?
Please call the researcher as listed below.
A researcher will explain the study to you and check that you are eligible to participate. An Explanatory Statement and Consent Form will be sent to you prior to the first home visit. Consenting process will be completed with you and/or the carer before the first meeting.
For further information:
Please call
Dr Angel Lee (Monash University) on (03) 9904 4662; email:
Ms Lisa Licciardi (Monash University) on (03) 9904 4350; email:
Funded by: Commonwealth Government of Australia through the Community Health and Hospitals Program Grant Scheme
Ethics approval:
Monash University Human Research Ethics committee Project ID: 39672
Peninsula Health Human Research Ethics committee Project ID: 10265