Online payments are currently unavailable due to an unforeseen issue. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Frankston City Council is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and to protecting them from child abuse.
Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) are being introduced to enhance safety and transparency in our community.
Details on how to report your food safety issues online.
Protective Service Officers (PSOs) and Friends of Frankston Station.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras are installed around Frankston City to help keep our community safe.
Perform proactive patrols of our community to address anti-social behaviour and other issues.
Every October Council holds a series of practical and enjoyable community safety activities.
View frequently asked questions about Body Worn Cameras.
The Safer Community Strategy 2023 provides Frankston City Council with the strategic direction for how we will work with our community and partners over the next ten years to create a safe, fair and inclusive municipality where people feel safe, well connected and empowered to participate in community life.